Yesterday I got approved for the Hulu public beta and I got my first look at the site last night. Hulu is a site that offers free viewing of films and TV shows produced by NBC and Fox television. I was pretty happy and surprised by the content. I liked the fact that there was a lot of old shows available, WKRP, Emergency!, Bob Newhart, the original Battestar Galactica, and many more including a lot of new shows, Monk, Are you smarter than a 5th Grader etc.
I watched the first episode of WRKP and the second episode of Emergency! and was surprised at the difference in the quality of the writing of the shows from that time period. The writing for most shows currently on TV isn't very good.
That made me think about the writers strike and the Internet. I believe I heard recently that only about 60% of the writers are union anyway. I think the best option for them is to ditch the union and do your own contract.
The music industry has done that and still does. The musician/artist makes a contract with the record company and that's it, no union to tell you what to do. I know many an artist got screwed by the record company but that is there own fault, they messed up. The writers should cover themselves and forget about some mob union boss to do their bidding.