Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bella - the movie

If you haven't seen the movie Bella, it comes highly recommended. Here you can hear Michael Medved's review or download it here. It has received many rewards. We need more movies like this. So please support this great movie so Hollywood gets the message that we want good movies and not the trash they have been releasing. Another review from Decent Films Guide offers another view.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What Black Men Think Movie

Listening to Michael Medved today he had on the producer of this movie "What Black Men Think" and it was a great interview and sounds like a great movie. Sounds like someone is willing to actually tell the truth and not have an agenda like Hollywood does. We need more movie made like this, maybe Hollywood will start putting something good out again.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Some good things about the writers strike

I read an article in the New York Times that hinted at some good stuff coming from the writer strike. There's so much trash coming out of Hollywood that may be we'll get a little break from it, since nobody will be writing it. One of the best things I read in the article was that production on a sequel to the "Da Vinci Code" movie has been postponed! Yippie! We don't need to hear more lies spread. And we'll have less bad movies with the political agenda like "Lions for Lambs". Besides, maybe people will actually find something else better to do with their lives than relying on entertainment to fulfill themselves, like spending more time with their family, read a good book, or learning to do something constructive with their life.

Friday, November 23, 2007


Awards for music or movies or art, I guess any form of entertainment is stupid. Most art is subjective so it ultimately can't be judged. The award shows are a waste of time.