Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Earthquake Coverage

We had a 5.4 Earthquake yesterday (07/29/2008) here in Los Angeles and TV coverage during events like this is dismal at best.  We had all channels covering it most of the day.  This is totally unnecessary.  Nothing really happened, some things fell, but that's about it.  All they needed to do was come on, make an announcement, and return to regular programming.  I bet all the people that wanted to watch the soaps in LA were really mad, I know I was, they pre-empted General Hospital! !   I had to wait until 10:00 to watch it on SoapNet! ! !  They could have run GH at the normal time and have a ticker at the bottom informing everyone news of the earthquake and nothing big happened.

This is LA and we have strong buildings, not straw huts like a lot of places that get earthquakes.  Some places an earthquake of this size would kill thousands of people, but basically nothing happened here, just some minor things.

I know some have good intentions but it's really all about the hype and trying to scare us so that we'll be ok with the government taking more of our money.  Don't Be Scared!

Monday, July 7, 2008

An American in Paris - A Refreshing Feeling

I was flipping channels this evening and came across the movie "An American In Paris" and thought I'd seen it before but I never had and right from the beginning of the movie,  from the first notes of music, it just gave me a good feeling.  It made me really realize how much entertainment has devolved.  It is amazing the drastic difference in the past fifty years.  The mid sixties is when the de-evolution started.

The biggest change I felt watching the movie is the quality of music.  I normally am not a big Gershwin fan, but most of the music in the movie was very uplifting to the soul, unlike the music of this day and age.  There has to be something that can be done to re-beautify the music and movies of this day and age.