Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Good Catholic Writers Need
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Music and Morals
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Heath Ledger and Acting Parts
That makes me ask the question of how actors are able to get into their characters and the effect it has on them personally. It seems they may need to learn to separate fantasy from their own life. There are so many couples in hollywood that think they fall in love playing love interests in the movies. They get married in real life and get divorced so quickly because they are living in the fantasy of the parts they are playing and not real life.
Fox News article Jack Nicholson Says He 'Warned' Heath Ledger
NY Daily News article Jack Nicholson warned Heath Ledger on 'Joker' role
KUTV story Heath Ledger Was Reportedly 'Warned' By Jack Nicholson
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Boston Legal 12/11/07
Some of the idiotic liberal charges are below with my comments in italics.
- Claiming it's unpatriotic to criticize this country while we blow up someone else's country
- Iraq - saying the National guard are all in Iraq and can't help here at home
- Katrina
- Schools are bad - No child left behind / they are the ones to blame
- standardized tests are bad - they got that right
- school system is raising idiots - true
- Kids forsake knowledge to get to college - TRUE
- Education
- inflation
- unemployment
- healthcare
- homeland security
- the war
- osama and Brittany turning out videos
- global warming
- war cost too much
- listed ways the government could spend money on us instead of war - that's known as communism
- Pentagon only counts our losses not Iraqis - we're not killing the Iraqis they are killing their own
- British kids know more about our country than we do - they probably do because of the democrats and how they destroyed our school system
- less than 40% seniors can read proficiently
- standardized tests messed with to prove schools doing well
- teach the test or shred it - shred it
- ill equipped for national emergencies - too busy imposing democracies elsewhere
- Katrina alot of experts saw it coming did nothing - democrats fault of course
- Democrats complain and offer no solutions - Once in a while the show will get somethings right
- complain about age limit for national guard
- Standard test to get federal funding why stick to your values when there's cash at stake.
- test cost too much - No child left behind Nazis, Fed give states money to fix schools
- National Guard is backdoor draft and won't have anyone too fight our war anyone should be able to join age, sex orient, non job performance
- Joining the Boy Scouts but you have to be young and straight
- Get rid of NO child left behind - it is leaving kids behind
- Conservatives act like idiots and want to shoot anyone
- Volunteerism is up even though alot is wrong - at least they admit it
- Incompetent government - and they want more of the same with health care and all the government programs the want it to run.
- Bush incompetent was plan all along to get people to help
- Bush can't speak English language
Conservatives are idiots and want to nuke Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Korea, Afghanistan, basically nuke happy that's what Bush wants to do.
These notions are so totally not true, but they know if you tell the same lie over and over it will be believed by alot of people not willing to research the facts.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Daytime Soaps keep going through strike
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Boston Legal 12/04/2007
Some of the tired old material that they just keep spewing includes stuff about
- Larry Craig
- about talk Radio being too Conservative and too powerful.
- Ann Coulter - No one takes her seriously - she's a joke
- Mitt Romney - Gay union flip flop
- Howard Stern
- Don Imus
- Talk show hosts as so called journalists hate mongering bigotry - wrapping themselves in the American flag and calling it free speech and claiming that Americans are calling for stations to fire these people
- Katrina (When are they going to stop lying about this. They can't see that they were the problem and transfer the blame to others)
- 911 victims
- claiming that the presidential candidates refuse to engage in debate
- claiming reporters lost their jobs for criticizing the war and that 35% of journalists say newsworthy stories are shunned because they'll hurt new organization monetarily
- The usual jabs at Family values senators
- Saying that Congressmen are criminals but have to go after Larry Craig
- Wondering why police are wasting time with sex crimes when we should concentrate on Terror (I afree with that) ..... but Larry Craig deserved what he got
- Republicans don't care if you're gay as long as you persecute homosexuals
The show would be a lot better if they stopped all the easy jabs and actually write a good story. I know it's hard work, but why work hard when you can easily write idiocy, which is far easier. So I am glad the writers are on strike when they write trash like this. Normally unions cause a turn to the lowest common denominator like the teachers and automotive unions where in the teachers union you basically can't get fired no matter what you do including abusing children. So with the automotive union where you get paid a lot of money for not doing a lot of work and that is why our cars are inferior and so expensive.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Broken Trail
Golden Globes Cancelled!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Sound of Music
It really makes me wonder how in such a short amount of time television and movies has gotten so bad. Although I do see some signs of improvement, it is going to take a while to get back to Hollywood doing mainly good movies, if they ever do.